Causes of bleeding in young girls and teenagers

Causes of bleeding in young girls and teenagers

Girls may be exposed at the young age at the age of teenage vaginal bleeding or abnormal bleeding from the uterus, so should every mother and a girl to know the difference between the bleeding normal menstrual bleeding and abnormal speed determine the cause and treatment, in this article we remind you the reasons for bleeding in girls

Causes of bleeding in young girls before puberty

Bleeding here means uterine bleeding or vaginal bleeding, and abnormal uterine bleeding in young girls before menstruation (before puberty) indicates that there is always a problem, the reasons may be:
* Shock.* Foreign body (such as toys, coins or toilet wipes).* Irritation of the genital area due to soap, bath products, infection or urinary problems.* Bleeding can also occur as a result of sexual abuse.

Causes of bleeding in girls

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the name doctors use to describe a problem with the menstrual cycle, and fortunately uterine bleeding is not something to worry about most often. Abnormal uterine bleeding means that menstrual periods may be heavier, last longer than usual or not at all, and bleeding between menstrual periods is also a sign of abnormal uterine bleeding. Abnormal uterine bleeding is not a big problem, but it can lead to anemia or anemia.Generally , doctors do not take any action on bleeding in girls unless it causes another problem or is caused by a health problem.

Causes of bleeding in girls abnormal

Most of the time; bleeding occurs in girls due to changes in body hormone levels.
For teenage girls, one of the most common causes of hormonal changes is when the body does not release an egg from one of the ovaries ( ovulation ), and the release of the egg is part of the menstrual cycle.If the girl's body does not release the egg, hormonal changes may lead to less frequent menstrual periods Or heavy.Ovulation is more likely to occur after a girl begins to get her period after puberty, and because the signals from the brain to the ovaries are not fully developed, it can take several years for girls to have regular periods.

Other causes of bleeding for girls (bleeding due to diseases)

Causes of bleeding in other girls due to diseases can include:
* Some diseases, such as thyroid disorders , or polycystic ovary syndrome, can cause hormone disorder.* Problems such as compulsive exercise or not eating healthy foods or too much stress can cause hormonal changes.* Some severe cases of abnormal uterine bleeding are caused by bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand disease.

How is abnormal uterine bleeding treated?

Doctors treat bleeding based on the causes of bleeding in girls after diagnosis.If the girl has severe menstrual bleeding, the doctor may examine anemia and prescribe iron tablets or other treatments.In order to treat mild or irregular bleeding that lasts for a long time, doctors prescribe birth control pills, and the pill contains hormones that can help balance the girl's menstrual cycle.Most girls only need time for their bodies to adjust to their hormones, and eventually, menstrual cycles become normal normally.If you are worried that your period may not be normal, talk to your doctor.

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